Custom Application


  • Step 2: Entry Info
  • Step 3: Edit & Review
  • Step 4: Billing Info
  • Step 5: Complete
Entry Info 2/5

Entry Form

Custom Application

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Entry Info

Max. 10mb. Accepted file types: JPG, PNG (Recommended size 1920x1080)
Describe the innovative aspects of your project, product, or service. How does it stand out in the digital landscape, and what sets it apart from competitors in your industry? (250 words max)

Explain the impact your project, product, or service has had on your target audience, industry, or the broader digital ecosystem. Please provide quantitative or qualitative data to support your claims, such as user engagement, customer testimonials, or other relevant metrics. (250 words max)

Showcase your project's, product's, or service's creativity by detailing the unique design elements, storytelling aspects, or problem-solving approaches that were employed. How did these creative elements contribute to the overall success of your project, product, or service? (250 words max)

Summarize the overall excellence of your project, product, or service, focusing on its ability to advance the digital landscape and your respective field. What are the most significant achievements and milestones that demonstrate your commitment to pushing boundaries and raising the bar? (250 words max)

Add Links (ex. website, social, youtube etc.)

0 Entries


Edit & Review 3/5

Edit & Review

If you wish to edit anything, press the edit button

Proposed Category

Entry Title

Organization Name

Submitting For

Industry Type

Innovation and Differentiation:

Measurable Impact and Success

Creative Elements and Execution

Overall Excellence and Industry Advancement

Cover Photo

Add Links

0 Entries


Billing Info 4/5

Entry Info

Category Subtotal
Custom Application  × 1 $495.00

Subtotal $495.00
Total $495.00

Your personal data will be used to process your order, support your experience throughout this website, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.

Billing Info

Please state your contact and payment details

Complete 5/5
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